Busy, Busy, Dreadfully busy....
Much much too busy for me.
This has been a crazy busy week that will feed into a crazy busier week.
Had math test, lots of English homework and notes to type up from Sociology, not to mention meetings that I went to on Tuesday for Relief Society and Thursday for Camp. There was a wedding Wednesday, and a wedding tonight (and tonight I will help in the kitchen). Mixed in between there was an impromptu meeting formerly known as Enrichment meeting about it meeting, along with many calls to make, plans to make, hearts to break and Stephen's long unruly hair to cut. I think that when school is over in May I might just collapse in a heap of trembling flesh.
I also was plagued with insomnia this week. This is how insomnia messes with my life. I am a morning person. That means I get up freakishly early (I give myself permission to be up at 4:00 a.m. okay, so sue me I'm weird)(I got that from my Grandma George who also liked to get up freakishly early) so I usually fall asleep in my pudding by around 8:30-9:00. It is a family joke that I turn into a pumpkin if I am up too late. I am not a good night person. So here is what happens. I fall asleep at my regular time but then I wake up at 2:00 a.m. And I can't go back to sleep. The windmills start turning and churning and I can't sleep so I generally read. This week I have been reading a book by Dr. John L. Lund called, "For All Eternity." He is a marriage counselor, and this was a marriage book, and a darn fine one in my opinion. For my facebook friends, I was following his suggestion when I decided to have a day where I didn't criticize anyone. It was hard but I did it. (and I got that idea reading at 2:00 in the morning, yawwwwwnnnnn) I had to decide what I was going to do when someone at school was smoking where they weren't supposed to. I loathe that. My biggest pet peeve at school is that they have a myriad of smoking places set out around campus, but the silly smokers have to smoke in the no-smoking zone as well. I'm a little allergic to smoke, I have gotten worse as I have gotten older, so it really bugs me when my eyes tear up and my nose runs and my head aches courtesy of my non-courteous smoking classmates. I had to decide that I would think (because you had to be criticism free in your mind as well) "I wish you wouldn't do that" instead of, "stinkin' lousy smoking person polluting my air...." Anyway, what did I learn from this experience? I did tend to have a gentler attitude towards people that day when I was trying hard not to be critical. I don't think my family really noticed much difference because I am a positive person and I don't generally screech tooooooo loudly... although I did almost blow it at one point with them. I removed myself from the area.
It was an interesting experience and I would highly highly recommend that book, even if your marriage isn't on the rocks. Mine is NOT ON THE ROCKS! But I am interested in family counseling so that is one reason I read it. The other reasons is that everyone has things they can improve, even in a nice marriage like mine.