Scattered Sunshine

Scattered Sunshine
My scattered thoughts on the Web-o-sphere

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Random thoughts at the beginning of another day

Here are some of my assorted thoughts:
I went to a bridal shower last night. It has been bridal season in my neighborhood. There have been 8 different weddings in the last 5 months or so. So fun to see the beautiful little brides receiving cute things to furnish their nests.... But I ask myself, why isn't there a shower say at 20 years to replace all the broken stuff that older brides have lost? I was talking to one of my friends who said she would love to have all the broken stoneware replaced so she could have a complete set. And my bathroom rugs are old and dingy. It would be fun to have some new ones. But I guess we are supposed to be older, wiser, and richer now, so we have to take care of it ourselves.

Thoughts 2. Dear American Idol Judges. You are too old to do this job anymore. You don't know what sounds good. Leave Andrew alone. You have confused him. When he sings like he did last night, don't tell him he needs more rock star persona. He is fine as he is. I loved it. Tell Siobahn (spelling???) not to scream anymore. She doesn't need to. And tell her next time she has a chance to do R&B to do some Aretha for heaven's sake. She already has the attitude. And leave teflon boy alone. If you really don't think he should be there, the less attention paid to him the better. I don't think he is as bad as you think he is. And don't tell Crystal Bowersox what to do to improve. She is perfect. And Ellen, I know you can be funny, I know you think you are being funny, but don't you notice that some of your strange off the wall comments are getting nervous titters instead of appreciative belly laughs? That's because people don't know what to do or where to look in a trainwreck of this type. Stick to your pointless observations unless there is something truly witty you would like to share. Okay, I'm off my soap box now. Predictions for tonight? Even though Siobahn was the worst one last night, I predict that teflon boy will lose his non-stick coating and go home tonight. It's getting tougher every week.

Finally, Doncha just hate pointless assignments? I had a big one yesterday where part of it was trying to find an internet discussion group that had more than 10 messages that were about anything substantial. Most of the ones with more than 10 messages in any given topic had been infected by the evil porn spammers. I hate evil porn spammers. I don't want to see your naughty pictures, and your messages have no business on a discussion group that is supposed to be about the Constitution. I will not be sorry to see them burned out of existence. The majority of the people in the world would rather not be bothered with your nastiness. Go hide back under that rock you crawled out from under and leave the rest of us in peace.

Have a good day, and don't let the evil porn spammers get you down.

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